Here’s a sample Lesson from Potentialize Me
Potentialize to unblock your life!
Hi – I’m Joshua. I enjoy being a guide for people who know there’s something a lot better. There is! That’s the GOOD NEWS~
Are you sick of your pain?
Essentially, decided that I wanted out of my suffering and pain many years ago…
I had come across an idea that we are divine beings with the ability to create limitlessly. A 10-year daily journey into myself ulitimately proved the truth of this hopeful message for me.
Out of this remarkable amazing journey -Potentialize Me- Evolved!
To start your transformation, allow me to categorize life into:
- Health – What does your body FEEL like?
- Money – What’s Your financial situation like?
- Relationships – How do Your Relationships FEEL?
- Occupation – Are you doing what You love?
- Spirituality- Are you happy with Your sense of Spirituality?
The strong energy of belief in your subconscious mind holds your reality in place. Everyone lives in their own version of reality. You call it THE Matrix.
Within Your Matrix, Your BELIEFS are set and thus held, thus dictating the events of Your life and Your perspectives.
If You don’t have a match to WHAT YOU WANT, the GOOD NEWS is that we can explore the belief(s) that are holding your reality in a PLACE, that you DO NOT WANT.
When your beliefs change, Your Reality Changes. You’ve had that experience before?
What Reality do You want?
Have YOU been convinced out of You dreams, Your purpose, Your reason for being and Your unique contribution to life?
Have YOU been taught that it’s selfish to persue Your dreams and that they should stay in the dream world?
Have You have been taught to live in someone else’s Matrix?
Are You happy, fulfilled, and content?
Continue To The Potentialize Me Intensive
What Do You Want?